Legacy Over Likes: Less Talk, More SEL Session

Middletown Public Schools invited you to join us on Tuesday, December 19, 2023 from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM at Beman Middle School for Dangers of the Mind (DOM) workshop titled: Legacy Over Likes: Less Talk, More SEL Session. Registration is necessary.

This event is free, in-person only, and open to all (MPS employees, students, parents, guardians, family members, community members, etc.) Students must be accompanied by an adult.

This workshop includes the following: How social media affects the character development of today’s youth.

This session will discuss the following:

  • Understanding critical Social-Emotional skills to model at home
  • Strategies for healthy conversations with your child
  • Assessing the patterns for your child and whY
  • Highlighting the effects of social media on the brain
  • Learning your child’s true core values to set and manage expectations
  • Highlighting each SEL competency
  • Breakout sessions with activities
  • Whiteboarding Session
  • 30-page ReSELient Downloadable for attendees

Please register in advance here: https://bit.ly/MPS-forum-121923

What is Dangers of The Mind (DOM)?

Dangers of The Mind believes in reaching, teaching, and building youth and adults to enhance their personal and professional life through Social-Emotional Learning. The Less Talk More SEL Parent forums is a 4-part series that is focused on parents in your school’s community.

Social-Emotional Learning in schools is one thing, but intentionally allowing social-emotional learning to be taught to parents can help sustain SEL in every child’s life. Families are children’s first teachers and are essential to promoting social and emotional learning (SEL) throughout a child’s life.